"Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within." | BKS Iyengar
"Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within." | BKS Iyengar
"Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within." | BKS Iyengar
"Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within." | BKS Iyengar
The purpose of Yoga Story is to Inspire Empowerment through Yoga + Mindfulness + Empowered Mindset Coaching.
Our goal is to strengthen individuals + communities through heart-centered, transparent, and vulnerable leadership.
Yoga is a Sanskrit term, meaning "to yoke" or "union." Yoga is thought to have originated from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, wherein Patanjali compiles a variety of philosophies for living well, and is the origin for the 8-Limb Path (Ashtanga) Yoga that has informed our Western understanding of Yogic philosophy and practice. These 8 Limbs include:
1) Yama (ways of interacting with the world around us)
2) Niyama (ways of interacting with ourselves)
3) Asana (physical postures)
4) Pranayama (breathwork)
5) Pratyahara (withdrawal/management of ones senses)
6) Dharana (mental focus and concentration)
7) Dhyana (meditation)
8) Samadhi ( enlightenment/epiphany)
Ahimsa = do no harm
Satya = truthfulness
Asteya = do not steal
Brahmacharya = preserve energy
Aparigraha = do not hoard
Saucha = cleanliness of body + mind
Santosha = contentment
Tapas = self-discipline
Svadhyaya = self-study
Isvarapranidhana = devotion to a higher power
Vinyasa Flow = a modern practice that includes connected movement through a variety of postures with focus on the breath.
Alignment-Focused = A practice inspired by B.K.S. Iyengar who developed a practice that emphasized the importance of proper alignment and the use of props, making the practice accessible for all bodies.
Restorative Yoga = A practice using a number of props, including bolsters, blankets, cushions, blocks, and sometimes straps to encourage deep rest and relaxation from pose to pose.
Yin Yoga = A modern practice developed by Paulie Zink, further popularized by Paul Grilley, and named by Sarah Powers, this practice focus on long holds in grounded postures to lengthen muscle tissue with the goal of increasing range of motion (ROM).
Sun Salutations = A repeated sequence of postures guided in a Vinyasa Flow style.
Chair Yoga = A practice either seated in a chair, making the practice accessible for those who find standing or getting onto or up from the ground difficult, and/or using a chair as a prop to help support poses.
Aqua Yoga = A practice guided in a pool of water to, making yoga accessible for most bodies as it alleviates pressure on joints. The use of pool noodles, aqua dumbbells, and other pool props can be used to further support clients pose to pose.
Lineage = Yoga is a vast and multifaceted practice, each style of originates from a variety of lineages. Yoga Story focuses on the Hatha Yoga Lineage, primary practices include asana, pranayama, and meditation.
Hatha is Sanskrit for "sun/moon." The sun represents heat, activity, dynamic movement, while moon represents coolness, rest, stillness. Hatha Yoga as a practice is one of bringing activity and rest into harmony, unity, balance.
Mindfulness = Originating in the Buddhist tradition and popularized in the West by Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, mindfulness is the practice of sensory and thought observation, attaching no value judgment to what is observed. Research shows that this practice can help manage stress, increase focus, regulate emotions, and increase pain tolerance.
Meditation = The practice of focusing one's mind or deep concentration. There are many styles of meditation, including imagery, single-pointed focus, mindfulness, affirmation, loving-kindness, visualization, devotional.
For questions about our services, text or email is preferred. I look forward to guiding your practice soon!
Mon | Closed | |
Tue | 05:30 pm – 06:30 pm | |
Wed | 06:00 am – 07:00 am | |
Thu | By Appointment | |
Fri | 06:00 am – 07:00 am | |
Sat | By Appointment | |
Sun | Closed |
No classes the first week of each month.
Wednesday Morning classes held every other Wednesday.
These hours only apply to classes held at Sunrise Therapy
610 E Longview Drive Suite b, Appleton, WI 54911